Posts Tagged ‘Marijuana’

Eagle Rock’s First Medical Marijuana Festival

Cannabis Clubs United With the Community presents Eagle Rock California’s first Medical Marijuana Festival!  The fiesta will feature Grateful Dead Tribute band Morning Glory, and several key-note community speakers. The presentation will be emceed by Hollywood Hemptress Hour radio show host, and stand-up comedian Tere Joyce.

CCUWC’s founder Tim Ryder describes the occasion as a hippie festival that will celebrate medical marijuana as part of the event. Ryder who is a non cannabis smoker himself. became sympathetic to the medical marijuana cause when he attended an Eagle Rock neighborhood council meeting. He noticed that the city was not in support of their medical marijuana collectives touting them as a nuisance to the neighborhood. Tim decided to find out if their claims were true, and looked into his local dispensaries. He discovered that the opposite is undeniable, and believes that Eagle Rock’s medical marijuana collectives are a valuable asset to the north eastern LA community.

Tim Ryder announces his candidacy for neighborhood council on radio show!

Tim was our special guest on Hollywood Hemptress Hour Episode 028: Daydream Believer Among Wolves. To listen click here.  For more information on Cannabis Clubs United With the Community go to

Pot Parlor Parties Across America

The National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws  is spear-heading a nationwide Pot Parlor Party movement to create mainstream awareness for legendary filmmaker Ken Burn’s “Prohibition”.  Mark your calendar and invite your like-minded family and friends to tune in  this Sunday Oct. 2, 2011 for the first in a series of P.B.S. Broadcasts.

NORML and it’s 170 chapters around the country are encouraging those who oppose Cannabis Prohibition to assemble parties in their homes to be known as Pot Parlor Parties. The goal is to educate ourselves better about what is called  America’s Greatest Failed Experiment, and to keep building up a fast growing community of  activists – citizens who are calling for logical alternatives to our antiquated Marijuana Laws.  For more information on how you can get involved click here.

Hollywood Hemptress Hour dedicates episode 027 titled Recipe For Freedom  to help further awareness that Cannabis Prohibition doesn’t work.  G-licious Dishes’ Shiloh Jinglefoot has created a yummy liberty menu ” Chillin’ on the China Express”,  to celebrate the debut of Pot Parlor Parties. What is on the menu? Get Fried Egg-rolls, 420 Teriyaki, and Get Twisted Sweet & Sour Sauce. Shiloh also updates us on Colorado Cannabis legislature.  To listen to Jinglefoot’s yummy liberty menu, it is recommended that you smoke the good shit and blow it on this  link  Recipe For Freedom  now.

Blonde Bluntisms

The Hollywood Hemptress contemplates the etiquette of Facebook tagging…

Do you mind if I smoke a "J" ?

Blazing with the Beatles

“If people can’t face up to the fact of other people being naked or smoking pot, than we are never going to get anywhere.” John Lennon Penthouse, 1969.

It is undeniably evident that the Beatles created a symphony of sounds that human ears had never heard before once Bob Dylan gave John Lennon a joint. Lennon himself has commented that Marijuana was the inspiration to the backward sound effects in the song rain:

“That one was the gift of God ? of Jah, actually, the god of marijuana. Jah gave me that one. The first backwards tape on my record anywhere. Before Hendrix, before The Who, before any fucker.”

It was the first record with backwards music on it.

It is interesting to note that his creation of backwards music has been suspected of masking satanic messages. The Demon Weed Strikes  Again!

John was not only a harbinger of peace, but he was also an ardent Cannabis Activist.

Abby Hoffman shares a bubbler with John. 1971

We had an answer to Britain’s problem. It was to legalize pot and let homosexuals marry and Britain would be the richest nation on earth. It’s as simple as that.”

John Lennon, speaking to the Canadian Royal (LeDain) Commission, December 22nd 1969(39)

On July 24th 1967, the Beatles took out a full-page ad in the Sunday Times with “THE LAW AGAINST MARIJUANA IS IMMORAL IN PRINCIPLE AND UNWORK ABLE IN PRACTICE” in bold, large-font letters at the top of the page. “All laws which can be violated without doing anyone any injury are laughed at. Nay, so far are they from doing anything to control the desires and passions of many that, on the contrary, they direct and incite men’s thoughts towards those very objects; for we always strive toward what is forbidden and desire the things we are not allowed to have. And men of leisure are never deficient in the ingenuity needed to enable them to outwit laws framed to regulate things which cannot be entirely forbidden… He who tries to determine everything by law will foment crime rather than lessen it.” 

The ad also contained a petition, which read: “The signatories to this petition suggest to the Home Secretary that he implement a five-point program of cannabis law reform: 1) The government should permit and encourage research into all aspects of cannabis use, including its medical applications; 2) Allowing the smoking of cannabis on private premises should no longer constitute an offense; 3) Cannabis should be taken off the dangerous drugs list and controlled, rather than prohibited, by a new ad hoc instrument; 4) Possession of cannabis should either be legally permitted or at most be considered a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than 10 pounds for a first offense and not more than 25 pounds for any subsequent offense; and 5) All persons now imprisoned for possession of cannabis or for allowing cannabis to be smoked on private premises should have their sentences commuted.”

The petition was signed by the Beatles as well as sixty-one of the leading names in British society, including Nobel laureate Francis Crick (co-discoverer of the DNA molecule), novelist Graham Greene, scientist Francis Huxley, and various Members of Parliament.

On Friday Dec. 10, 1971 John and Yoko hosted the “Free John Sinclair” concert in Ann Arbor Michigan. John Sinclair was a White Panther and Cannabis Activist who was facing ten years in prison for two joints. The following Monday morning John Sinclair was released from prison.

In 1972 John Lennon and Yoko were served deportation papers for his 1968 misdemeanor Cannabis charge  in London which resulted in a $100 fine. It was later revealed that the marijuana was planted on him by a cop who admitted that he had framed several celebrities to control those that the government considered to be dissident. Many people believe that John Lennon was covertly assassinated by the CIA’s “Operation Chaos” for Cannabis Activism.

“These pacifist revolutionaries are historically killed by the government… Anybody who thinks that Mark Chapman was just some crazy guy who killed my dad for his personal interests is insane, I think, or very naive”

Sean Lennon

Footnote: Was John Lennon killed for his Pot Activism?I highly recommend reading this article!

This is the first real post on Hollywood Hemptress. I bring this up because originally I was going to go in a different direction, but this week’s broadcast of Hollywood Hemptress Hour changed my mind. One of our guests comedian Steven Allen Greene brought his guitar to the show. He  improvised a few Beatles songs, and because if this I mentioned John Lennon’s deportation charge over Cannabis. The next day I googled it, and stumbled across an article titled: Was John Lennon killed for his Pot Activism? Upon reading the article, I learned more about The Beatles and specifically John Lennon’s Cannabis Activism. May we blaze today in their honor.

Click here to listen to Hollywood Hemptress Hour’s Archive of Blazing With The Beatles.

There is a line in the movie Pulp fiction that I have never forgotten.

There are only two kinds of people in the world, Beatles people and Elvis people. Now Beatles people can like Elvis and Elvis people can like the Beatles, but nobody likes them both equally. Somewhere you have to make a choice. And that choice, tells you who you are.”

America's War On Drugs!

Still not sure which one you are? I suggest you smoke a joint with your fried peanut butter and banana sandwich.

Hollywood Hemptress Hour

New Dissident Radio & The Norml Network!

Hollywood Hemptress Hour is an internet radio show hosted by Tere Joyce. The show explores the history, present day, and future of the cannabis plant, by projecting a satirical view on our beloved weed’ s cultural, political, and societal myths. Hollywood Hemptress Hour airs live Wednesdays 5-6 PM PST on New Dissident Radio, and replays on The Norml NetworkHollywood Hemptress Hour is available on iTunes!

Tere Joyce is a stand-up comedian/writer and was a former reality television star from the first season of Last Comic Standing. In the beginning, 10 comics had to torture each other in a house for the mere promise of a development deal, and one hundred thousand dollars cash. For a season she lived an alternate reality that was a cross between “ MTV’ s Real World”, and a 70’ s film about the depression era called, “ They Shoot Horses Don’t They?”

Tere didn’t even own a bong until her brother moved out of their apartment, but something happened in 2007 that turned her into a Marijuana Activist. She and a group of other patients were held at gunpoint by the F.B.I. in a doctor’ s office that was located in the same building as a Medical Marijuana Dispensary. Experiencing the aggression of our government over something the people voted for was the catalyst to the creative pursuit of not only the freedom of Mary Jane, but also the freedom of our own humanity.